
导读: 在争艳斗芳的春季,女生们当然是有多美穿多美啦,谁不稀罕在浪漫的春季里,有专属于自己精致打扮的那一份美好呢?一条连衣裙,就是这么随意,这么好看,给足你春天应有的感觉


希尔中学 (英文:The Hill School" a.k.a. The Hill) 是一所美国的大学预科学校,还设有PG年级。希尔中学是十校联盟盟校之一。学校于1851年建立,位于宾夕法尼亚州Pottstown,距离费城35英里。2007年,希尔中学的财政接收捐款总额达到了一亿四千五百万美元。校友子女(Legacy Student)占到三分之一。


学校于1851年由Matthew Meigs建立。在美国内战结束后,学校选择邦联灰和联邦蓝作为学校的校色,寓意为国家的重新统一。学校学生曾加入南北两方的军队。



希尔中学的设施非常的完备,并且拥有很少学校拥有的室内田径场以及18洞的高尔夫球场等豪华设施。Hill School是个非常传统的学校,每位学生都必须穿着正装上课,并且每周一到周五的午餐都是很正式的sit down-lunch。12年级的学生在学校里可以拥有很多特权,例如晚上没有熄灯睡觉时间的规定。
















约翰·巴科斯 "42。美国计算机科学家,是全世界第一套高阶语言(High-level Language)FORTRAN的发明小组组长。詹姆斯·贝克 III "48. 美国政治家,曾任美国白宫办公厅主任、美国财政部长和美国国务卿。


David R. Dougherty" 1993- Charles C. Watson" 1973-1993Archibald R. Montgomery" 1968-1973 Edward (Ned) T. Hall" 1952-1968James Wendell" 1928-1952Boyd Edwards" 1922-1928 Dwight R. Meigs" 1914-1922Alfred G. Rolfe" 1911-1914John Meigs" 1876-1911 Matthew Meigs" 1851-1876

Founded in 1851 as “The Family Boarding School"” The Hill prepares students for excellence in college" careers" and life. Hill’s liberal arts curriculum offers 25 Advanced Placement course options" honors classes" and independent studies. Hill’s 503 students come from 32 states and 20 foreign countries; all must board at least one year. Average class size is 12 students" with a 7:1 student-teacher ratio. Students are encouraged to develop leadership skills and expected to show personal responsibility and courtesy for others. Traditions include an honor code" nondenominational chapel services" a dress code" and seated meals with faculty members.

School Notes:

The Hill School prepares students from across the United States and around the world for excellence in school" college" careers" and life. The Hill School combines a challenging liberal arts curriculum with clear moral direction and leadership training in a structured residential community. Dedicated to the development of the minds" bodies" and souls of all Hill students" the School professes not only to describe the world in which they live but also to prescribe the best ways to live.

The Hill School"s rigorous curriculum is founded firmly on the classical and Judeo-Christian traditions that value refinement of thought and fortification of character to liberate and charge the individual with responsibility to the common good. The Hill School is committed to inculcating those fundamental traditions while developing the practical skills and core knowledge on which further learning must be based" then to leading students to a global perspective on the world and their places in it.

School accreditations: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

Sample of notable school alumni/alumnae:

James Baker III "48 - Former Secretary of State

Norman Pearlstine "60 - Editor-in-chief of Time" Inc

Tobias Wolff "64 - Stanford University professor and critically acclaimed author of Old School

Oliver Stone "64 - Academy Award-winning producer/director

Peter S. Rummell "63 - Chairman and CEO of the Florida real estate and development firm the St. Joe Co.

Clark Hoyt "60 - Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and Washington editor of Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services

Lamar Hunt "51 - Businessman" owner and founder of the Kansas City Chiefs and a creator of the American Football League

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