
导读: “一带一路”倡议十周年,中国和这五个国家的元首齐聚西安,有何深意?来源: 中国日报2023-05-17 11:27 分享2023年5月18日,中国和中亚五国元首齐聚中国陕西省西安市,共同出席中国


“一带一路”倡议十周年,中国和这五个国家的元首齐聚西安,有何深意?来源:中国日报2023-05-17 11:27    分享2023年5月18日,中国和中亚五国元首齐聚中国陕西省西安市,共同出席中国-中亚峰会,这是今年中国主办的首个重大主场外交活动,也是首次中国与中亚五国元首进行线下会晤。这次峰会对推进中国和中亚五国的合作有什么意义? On May 18, 2023, the heads of state of China and the five Central Asian countries will gather in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China, to attend the China-Central Asia Summit. This is the first major home diplomatic event hosted by China this year, and it is also the first offline meeting between the heads of state of China and the five Central Asian countries. What is the significance of this summit in promoting cooperation between these nations?

“中国跟中亚的关系,合作关系在深化、在提升,然后有更多的问题要及时解决。要把合作建立在这样一个机制化、制度化的平台上,这时候就需要元首引领。”"The relationship and cooperation between China and Central Asian countries are deepening and improving, but there are some problems that must be solved in a timely manner. To cooperate on such a mechanism and institutionalized platform, the leaders of the state need to lead at this time." 中亚五国指哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦五国,都是中国西部的友好邻居。 2013年9月,习近平主席在哈萨克斯坦提出了共同建设丝绸之路经济带的倡议,“一带一路”合作由此开始。


"These countries in Central Asia have actively participated in the'Belt and Road' initiative, and have connected their countries' national strategies with our the'Belt and Road'initiative. Now that the 'Belt and Road' construction is on its 10th anniversary, we also need to sum up these ten years of the'Belt and Road'initiative. "

2022年,中国与中亚五国贸易总额超过700亿美元。截至2022年底,中国对中亚五国直接投资存量近150亿美元。经贸合作,给中国和中亚五国的人民带来了实实在在的利益,人文交流则加深了中国和中亚五国之间的联系。“在这个十年内我感受到中国的快速发展,就是我有这个意识了。我们国家也要像中国一样学习、像中国一样发展。”"In the past ten years, I have witnessed the rapid development of China. Now I have this awareness, that our country also needs to learn like China, to develop like China."合作是此次峰会的关键词,中国-中亚峰会将向世界展现中国-中亚合作的高水平,也将建立更加紧密的中国-中亚命运共同体。

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